Historical pictures.
Source: Salesian Historical Archive of South Argentina.
Bahia Blanca.
03. Comunidad salesiana del colegio Don Bosco de Bahía Blanca. 1897 (13)
1897. Comunidad Salesiana del Colegio Don Bosco de Bahía Blanca
25. Zatti en el corredor del Hospital. 1940 (130)
1940. Zatti en el corredor del Hospital. Están Grammatica y Bielawski
The photographs belong to the Salesian Historical Archive of South Argentina. Bahia Blanca.
More information about the photographs (in English):
02. Calle Roma, en Boretto. Basílica de S. Marco (02)
Roma Street, one of the main streets in Artemide’s hometown. At present with a population of 4,000. This photograph is from the time when the Zatti family lived there.
03. Comunidad salesiana del colegio Don Bosco de Bahía Blanca. 1897 (13)
On May 27th 1897 John Bosco school was inaugurated at 156 Vieytes Street. The Salesian community which Artemide joined moved there.
This photograph was taken on February 4th 1897
From left to right (sitting): Fr. Juan Bautista Tosi (considered the founder of La Piedad School), Fr. Pedro Bonacina, “Colorado ‘s Angel”, founder of the Fortín Mercedes School, Fr. Miguel Borghino (founder of the Order of Salesians in Bahía Bianca), Mons. Juan Cagliero (Vicar Apostolic of Patagonia), Fr. Zacarias Genghini (the first of the Salesians to receive the habit in Patagonia, missionary apostle in the Indian reservations of indian chiefs Cotaro, Namuncura, Sayhueque), Fr. José María Brentana (great missionary priest from Alto Valle of Rio Negro and Neuquén), Fr. Carlos Cavalli (spiritual director of Artemide).
Standing first row, Cleric José Bottari, Cleric Pedro Vespignani, Fr. Estanislao Cynalewsky and Fr. José Hellestern (recently ordained priests), Cleric Alfonso Lovesio and Cleric Jorge Ortiz.
Standing second row: Brs Manuel Méndez, Carlos Rosetti, Juan Narciso Da Deppo, NN.
04. Fotografía de la familia Zatti en Bernal. 1899 (14)
This photograph of 1899 was taken before Artemide went to the seminary of Bernal. He was 19.
Foreground (from left to right): Herminio, Florinella, Dona Albina Vecchi (mother), Delfina, Don Luis Zatti (father) and Teresa.
Behind: IIdegarda, Artemide, Pompeo and Eliseo.
07. Salesianos del Colegio San Francisco de Sales de Viedma. 1910 (25)
The Salesians of the school of St. Francisco de Sales of Viedma, with the provincial, on February 15th 1910.
Sitting (left to right): Fr. Bernardo Bottino, Fr. Juan Beraldi, Fr. Luis Botta Director (founder of the Salesian Work of John Bosco in Mendoza), José Vespignani (Provincia I member of the Superior Chapter) his complete name was: José Francisco Javier Augusto, Fr. Angel Veneroni, Fr. Evasio Garrone (‘El Padre Dotor” [Doc] ).
Standing: Br.Vicente Martini, CI. Honorio Calveria, CI. Antonio Torres ?, CI. Pedro Savani, Fr. José M. Bretana, CI. Alfredo Perassi, Br. Romelio Garda, Fr. Domingo Ugo ?
2nd row: Brs. Antonio Patriarca, Juan Cartella, Carlos Sessa “Carlin”, Juan Borello (musician), Jacinto Massini, Santiago Sikora, Luis Lanza.
Above: Juan Bacis, Juan Jedrik, Artemide Zatti, Marcos Compaire, José Albertotti (enologist), Luis Veneroni.
08. Sala de Hospital. P. Evasio Garrone atendiendo la farmacia (26)
Fr. Evasio Garrone (known as “Padre Dotor” [Doc]) serving the Hospital pharmacy – Later it would be Artemide’s job.
09. Antigua sala de mujeres del Hospital San José. Primera década del siglo XX (28)
Women’s ward in St. José Hospital. First decade XX century.
10. Don Zatti en la Farmacia (30)
Br. Zatti made his perpetual profession on February 18th 1911, and, from then on, he was partially in charge of the Hospital. In 1913 he assumed the total direction and responsibility.
11. Hospital San José (31)
In the right we can see the house where Fr. Evasio Garrone started the “San José” Hospital. On the left, and still under construction the new building designed by Br. Artemide Zatti and built by Br. Antonio Patriarca.
14. Personal salesiano del Hospital San José. 1916 (52)
Salesian staff of “San José ” Hospital. Photograph dated May 16th 1916. Standing: Br. Zatti. Sitting (Ieft to right): Br. Juan Castel la, Fr. Andrés Pestarino and Br. Angel Mori.
15. Don Zatti junto a su madre. 1917 (53)
Artemide Zatti, to comfort his “Santa vecchietta”, (as he used to call his mother), for his father’s death in 1917, spent some days at her home at 387 Sarmiento St., Bahía Blanca.
17. Sala de operaciones del Hospital San José. Zatti, Harostegui y Pietrafaccia (72)
Operating theatre of the old Hospital of Viedma. On the left Br. Zatti, Dr. Domingo Harostegui (2) and Dr. Francisco Pietrafaccia (4).
19. Don Zatti y el enfermero Manuel Vargas. 1925 (82)
Br. Zatti and nurse Br. Manuel Vargas with “products from the farm” in 1925.
20. Zatti con su primo Santos Zatti. 1928 (96)
On December 22nd 1928, he sent this photograph to his family, where he poses with his cousin Santos.
23. Don Zatti en la sala de operaciones con el doctor Domingo Harostegui. 1936 (115)
1936. Br. Zatti (on the right) working while Dr. Harostegui is operating.
24. Don Zatti en el almuerzo de la asamblea de Acción Católica. 1938 (120)
1938. Lunch held on that occasion. Among others: 3rd. on the left (standing) Br. Zatti.
25. Zatti en el corredor del Hospital. 1940 (130)
1940, to the left (2nd) Br. Zatti, (3rd) Br. Bielawsky. Fr. Evasio Garrone’s bronze bust can be seen on the right.
26. Don Zatti con el niño macrocéfalo. 1940 (131)
Br. Artemide with a macrocephalic boy, whom he looked after until his death and children from San Francisco de Sales School.
27. Don Zatti con amigos en bicicleta (135)
Br. Zatti by his bicycle, with two friends at the new Hospital site.
29. Don Zatti en procesión portando la estatua de María Auxiliadora (140)
Br. Zatti carrying Mary Help of Christians image in one of the pilgrimages to Fortin Mercedes.
30. Retrato de Don Zatti. 1948 (142)
Photograph taken when enrolling at La Plata University.